Happy Hot Days fellow R's!
I'm pretty sure I have been officially identified by the Left as a RWE - Right Wing Extremist.
Apparently my latest LTE really stirred up some crap and pissed off at least one person something awful. I thought it was one of my tamer letters. Although several regular lefties posted their typical responses to my letters, there were also several that complimented me in some form (a welcome surprise - maybe some of these people do understand the First Amendment). It is difficult for some of these posters stay on track and next thing you know they're back trashing GWB and how evil he was, and blaming me for it. One self-admitted non-fan even encouraged me to keep writing because he thinks I have a "flair for words" and "enjoyed" reading my letters. Now THAT is what democracy is all about. Talk first. Listen. Compare policies. Of course we are not all going to agree in congress. But I still hold out hope that somehow, some way, we can find honest leaders of both parties that check their egos at the door and take a vow of compromise.
Yesterday, when it was still over 80 degrees in my back yard at 10:00 pm, I was busy trying to finish a yard project when I remembered I hadn't picked up my mail yet. Imagine my surprise when there was notice from my mail-lady that I owed her $0.43 for "postage due" for a letter that was in my mailbox.
Sure enough, there was a legal sized envelope in my mail that was addressed boldly to:
WENDY LAKE. GRAHAM WA. 98338. No return address, no street address for me, and a one cent stamp on it. Inside was a three page, handwritten letter (all in printed caps) berating me for being a Republican and admitting it. Here is an excerpt of the first paragraph:
"Your letter to the editor only reaffirms your ignorance and sycophant allegiance to a Republican Party that is not only corrupt, but despised by the majority of the American Public".
Hmm... not just anyone can use, let alone spell, "sycophant" in their postings but there is at least one regular poster that uses the term frequently.
The next paragraph reads:
"We had a fascist gov't (sic) for eight yrs (sic) installed by a right wing Supreme Court".
This weirdo goes on for three full hand-written pages. He even enclosed a cut-out from what looks to be a magazine about Pat Robertson (stapled on the right side... hmmm... could we be looking for a real leftie?) This person also included a photocopied article on the state of California and their budget failure. Huh? Like I care what's going on in California right now?
Of course, this coward didn't sign his name - not even his cute little "handle" used on the online comments forum, which I suspect he changes frequently.
Needless to say, if this person wanted to freak me out, he succeeded enough in that I reported it to the Sheriff's Department. I have a case number and I have a list of three regular posters that I suspect. The wording and other elements of this letter should help me to pinpoint who it is, and I intend to expose them. I'm working with the PCSD and my postmaster to resolve the problem.
I pray for this person and hope he knows that the letter made its way to me somehow and to never do it again (the fact it got to me without an address or postage really should give you a clue that I'm well known in my community - and they've got my back). Putting a letter like that through the mail - especially with postage due - doesn't accomplish a thing and you aren't going to change my mind, so why risk a stalking charge and jail time over something as basic as freedom of speech, and dare I say, differences of opinion? By the way, did you know that this letter can easily be traced due to the bar codes imprinted on the envelope after processing?
I am NOT an elected politician. There is not much I can do for you anyway. I was elected to be the representative (PCO) of the Pierce County Republican Party in my precinct. Period. TOTALLY PARTISAN. I've never, ever tried to hide my party affiliation or loyalty. I'm a little disturbed that you felt the urge to hand write a letter to me, and in such a manner - to a woman you don't even know (remember Thelma and Louise?) - and not have the stones to simply identify yourself. What a coward. But not to mind, the Sheriff's Department is fully informed. My dog is fully loaded - 65+ pounds with lots of healthy teeth and a VERY protective attitude.
It all makes me very sad. I'm beginning to think Bobo had better direct his teleprompter writers to remind Americans that he is also half "white", produce the dang birth certificate and otherwise keep his big mouth shut.
That's all I can stand for now.
Take good care, and please God bless America and all Americans.
Breezie (Wendy L.)
BTW: I've finally decided what I need to do with my tax return. I'm going shotgun shopping tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mission Accomplished!
My latest letter to the editor finally succeeded in pissing off at least one dipdog* to the point of personal attack! And the surprise is, one of the liberal regulars that usually slams me actually stood up for my right to freedom of speech!
Here's the letter, published in today's paper:
Why is Barack Obama so angry?
I tried to watch Obama’s press conference on health care reform, but all I could hear was an angry, defensive voice that got louder as he spoke. All I could see was the scowl on his face and his eyes moving rapidly back and forth while reading his teleprompter. I saw him angrily pounding his fist on the lectern many times. I had to turn my television off after just 15 minutes.
As an American, I take offense at the tone of Obama’s speech and his defensive attitude. I do not appreciate being lectured, hollered at or scolded by any politician. I do not appreciate a politician – especially one who claims to be the president – displaying his temper and apparent violent tendencies on national television.
Obama and his administration are obviously spinning out of control. A confident leader doesn’t need to resort to harsh words or angry gestures to get the point across – unless of course, he has something to hide.
And here are some of the comments posted online:
Wendy, they don't call you folks Graham Crackers for no reason.
What the hell does that mean? I've heard the term before, but when I asked this person whether Graham Cracker was a racial slur, he suddenly went offline. Hmmm.
Ah, classic Wendy Lake bias. I remember her letters from the Bush years.
I really liked this one, especially since I didn't come to politics until 2004. And I don't recall writing any LTE's about GW.
Wendy routinely refers to President Obama as Bobo. It's hard to view her letter as being objective. Overly dramatic, yes.
This guy is obviously a fan of mine, or he wouldn't remember what I call the fraud in the White House. Of course I'm bias! I'm a REPUBLICAN.
From the same person as above:
This letter tries to raise suspicions about motives that don't exist. I watched the same thing that Wendy did and saw no such display of anger.
And my personal favorite:
I am so tired of Wendy Lake. The problem with Wendy Lake is that she has nothing positive to say about this administration which shows her bias. I would say the same thing about someone who criticized Bush about every little nuance. I am so tired of looking at the paper and seeing Wendy Lake - Graham. I appreciate someone who has an opinion that is articulate and well thought out and not one that simply attacks. For Wendy, to attack Barack Obama because she sees him as angry is playing on sterotypes and she should be ashamed, but she is not because she thinks she is helping. She is not. So Wendy do us a favor. SHUT UP. You hurt this country far more then you help it. GO AWAY WENDY LAKE.
If this person aimed to offend me, they are way off the mark. My first thought was, damn! I'm famous! My second thought was, mission accomplished! I managed to really get under this dipdog's skin! YAY!
But even more surprising was this post by the same guy that labeled me "overly dramatic":
Wendy Lake has every right to express her opinion; like it or not.
Isn't that great!
And lastly, this comment:
Not your best work, Wendy...
and right after that, by the same person:
PS - keep writing!
I'll do that Denis. Look for my next letter in about 30 days.
God Bless America, and ALL Americans! Sorry Bobo... this obviously does not include you.
*Dipdog is a classic "Wendyism"
Here's the letter, published in today's paper:
Why is Barack Obama so angry?
I tried to watch Obama’s press conference on health care reform, but all I could hear was an angry, defensive voice that got louder as he spoke. All I could see was the scowl on his face and his eyes moving rapidly back and forth while reading his teleprompter. I saw him angrily pounding his fist on the lectern many times. I had to turn my television off after just 15 minutes.
As an American, I take offense at the tone of Obama’s speech and his defensive attitude. I do not appreciate being lectured, hollered at or scolded by any politician. I do not appreciate a politician – especially one who claims to be the president – displaying his temper and apparent violent tendencies on national television.
Obama and his administration are obviously spinning out of control. A confident leader doesn’t need to resort to harsh words or angry gestures to get the point across – unless of course, he has something to hide.
And here are some of the comments posted online:
Wendy, they don't call you folks Graham Crackers for no reason.
What the hell does that mean? I've heard the term before, but when I asked this person whether Graham Cracker was a racial slur, he suddenly went offline. Hmmm.
Ah, classic Wendy Lake bias. I remember her letters from the Bush years.
I really liked this one, especially since I didn't come to politics until 2004. And I don't recall writing any LTE's about GW.
Wendy routinely refers to President Obama as Bobo. It's hard to view her letter as being objective. Overly dramatic, yes.
This guy is obviously a fan of mine, or he wouldn't remember what I call the fraud in the White House. Of course I'm bias! I'm a REPUBLICAN.
From the same person as above:
This letter tries to raise suspicions about motives that don't exist. I watched the same thing that Wendy did and saw no such display of anger.
And my personal favorite:
I am so tired of Wendy Lake. The problem with Wendy Lake is that she has nothing positive to say about this administration which shows her bias. I would say the same thing about someone who criticized Bush about every little nuance. I am so tired of looking at the paper and seeing Wendy Lake - Graham. I appreciate someone who has an opinion that is articulate and well thought out and not one that simply attacks. For Wendy, to attack Barack Obama because she sees him as angry is playing on sterotypes and she should be ashamed, but she is not because she thinks she is helping. She is not. So Wendy do us a favor. SHUT UP. You hurt this country far more then you help it. GO AWAY WENDY LAKE.
If this person aimed to offend me, they are way off the mark. My first thought was, damn! I'm famous! My second thought was, mission accomplished! I managed to really get under this dipdog's skin! YAY!
But even more surprising was this post by the same guy that labeled me "overly dramatic":
Wendy Lake has every right to express her opinion; like it or not.
Isn't that great!
And lastly, this comment:
Not your best work, Wendy...
and right after that, by the same person:
PS - keep writing!
I'll do that Denis. Look for my next letter in about 30 days.
God Bless America, and ALL Americans! Sorry Bobo... this obviously does not include you.
*Dipdog is a classic "Wendyism"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Go Sarah!
When I first read that Sarah Palin suddenly resigned, I was only mildly surprised. My first thought was, ain't no way she'll ever be elected president - at least not in 2012 - but what a great lobbyist she could be for energy independence!
Sarah apparently resigned in large part to protect the citizens of Alaska. Her office had been bombarded with so many "ethics" complaints (all of which have been dismissed) that it cost the taxpayers at least TWO MILLION so far just to handle the paperwork. At that point, being a sensible woman, she did what was right for Alaska. It wasn't her own state that launched all these personal bombs, but the entire opposition nationwide. And of course, they play dirty. The current "administration" demands privacy for his own family, but has no problem authorizing his puppetmasters to attack Sarah's family. Sarah's children - and husband - have been scrutinized, insulted, judged, and disprespected by the mainstream media in ways that are shockingly low-blow, even for the liberals.
From what I've observed of Sarah Palin is that she seems so REAL. She invited reporters into her home, fixed them dinner, and allowed them to record her private, daily interactions with her very-normal family. By the time these "interviews" go to air, the media abuses these very generous interviews by branding her a ditz and exploiting her minor daughter's very personal, private life situation. These brainless, heartless jerks even accused Sarah of faking her own pregnancy to cover for her daughter - and then blaming Sarah for her son's Down's Syndrome. STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do ya think a candidate's kids, especially minor children are fair play to create a scandal? Should the children be mentioned at all unless they are over 18 and actively working on the campaign? Do ya think the fact that Sarah Palin was an expectant mother (woman) while in office should have been an issue at all, other than a celebration of the birth of her son? I don't believe Sarah's resignation as governor wasn't well thought out . I think she is protecting her family. She still has three young children to raise. I like that she is putting her family first. It proves she has values and practices them. But don't count her out yet.
Sarah Palin is my role model. She is so smart, and thoroughly GOP. I want her to become the most powerful lobbyist for energy independence and IMMEDIATE drilling in Alaska. Her power will eclipse Bobo and she'll make way more money than him! Sarah Palin is one of the best people to come along in the GOP for a long time. We, as Republicans, need to use her common sense leadership and ability to carefully listen to her constituents as a template for the future of the Republican Party.
Like it or not - and the "old school" does not - Sarah Palin is not going away any time soon.
GO SARAH!!! You don't have to be president to be the most powerful woman in the USA!
God Bless America, and ALL Americans!
Sarah apparently resigned in large part to protect the citizens of Alaska. Her office had been bombarded with so many "ethics" complaints (all of which have been dismissed) that it cost the taxpayers at least TWO MILLION so far just to handle the paperwork. At that point, being a sensible woman, she did what was right for Alaska. It wasn't her own state that launched all these personal bombs, but the entire opposition nationwide. And of course, they play dirty. The current "administration" demands privacy for his own family, but has no problem authorizing his puppetmasters to attack Sarah's family. Sarah's children - and husband - have been scrutinized, insulted, judged, and disprespected by the mainstream media in ways that are shockingly low-blow, even for the liberals.
From what I've observed of Sarah Palin is that she seems so REAL. She invited reporters into her home, fixed them dinner, and allowed them to record her private, daily interactions with her very-normal family. By the time these "interviews" go to air, the media abuses these very generous interviews by branding her a ditz and exploiting her minor daughter's very personal, private life situation. These brainless, heartless jerks even accused Sarah of faking her own pregnancy to cover for her daughter - and then blaming Sarah for her son's Down's Syndrome. STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do ya think a candidate's kids, especially minor children are fair play to create a scandal? Should the children be mentioned at all unless they are over 18 and actively working on the campaign? Do ya think the fact that Sarah Palin was an expectant mother (woman) while in office should have been an issue at all, other than a celebration of the birth of her son? I don't believe Sarah's resignation as governor wasn't well thought out . I think she is protecting her family. She still has three young children to raise. I like that she is putting her family first. It proves she has values and practices them. But don't count her out yet.
Sarah Palin is my role model. She is so smart, and thoroughly GOP. I want her to become the most powerful lobbyist for energy independence and IMMEDIATE drilling in Alaska. Her power will eclipse Bobo and she'll make way more money than him! Sarah Palin is one of the best people to come along in the GOP for a long time. We, as Republicans, need to use her common sense leadership and ability to carefully listen to her constituents as a template for the future of the Republican Party.
Like it or not - and the "old school" does not - Sarah Palin is not going away any time soon.
GO SARAH!!! You don't have to be president to be the most powerful woman in the USA!
God Bless America, and ALL Americans!
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