Saturday, August 29, 2009

Meet Bruiser, My New Roommate

Bruiser is no longer a virgin. I got his first shot off at 11:00 a.m. today. He kicked the crap outta me too, causing bruising and a wrenched back - but I asked for it!

Bruiser is my new 12ga pump action 500 Persuador shotgun (remember, I told you I was going to get one after that weirdo leftie sent me that creepy letter). I've had Bruiser for over a month now, but didn't want to mention it until I knew how to handle him safely.

I made several phone calls to rifle clubs and gun dealers, and found that there are plenty of safety/shooting classes available for handguns and rifles but none for shotguns specifically. I called the Pierce County Sheriff's office and a desk sergeant referred me to Sumner Sportsman's Association in Alderton, which is a shotgun-only club.

I googled SSA's website and there on the front page was an announcement for a Ladies Only Shotgun Clinic to be held in late August, an event they hold just once a year. What perfect timing and location! And affordable too at just $40 for the day, which included breakfast, lunch, ammo and clay disk targets. Knowing that my friend Senator Randi Becker is an outdoorswoman, I called her right away to see if she wanted to join me for the clinic. Randi wanted a shotgun refresher for her own 12ga pump, and I had the virgin Bruiser, so it worked out really well that we register to go together.

Now mind you, I was just as much a "gun virgin" as Bruiser. I haven't fired a gun of any kind in more than 25 years. I didn't remember what a recoil kick felt like. In anticipation of the upcoming clinic, I did some research on the net and discovered through a chatroom I accidentally fell into, that my model shotgun was known for it's hard kickback. I started to get a little nervous about actually firing Bruiser and promptly stashed him out of my site (pun intended) and didn't look at him again until this morning, three weeks later.

I've never been fond of the way Bruiser looks. He's pure black, no decoration whatsoever, and looks like a machine gun to me. But he makes that AWESOME and undeniably frightening click-CACHUNK action sound loud and clear which is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted a home-security gun and that's what I got.

And so, I was surprised when Randi and I entered the clubhouse and all the guns in the racks, including Randi's, seemed not only smaller than mine, but had beautiful wood stocks - some with silver inlay. I didn't know there was a difference between home-security shotguns and hunting or trap shooting guns. The instructors looked at Bruiser and told me that he wouldn't do very well on the trap shoot. Bruiser was made for home protection - a bigger barrell, wider shot pattern, lots of big bang. They offered me a different gun to use on the traps but I was there to shoot Bruiser.

The first time I pulled his trigger it was, to say the least, a surprise. I didn't have the butt pulled in to my shoulder real tight (I know, novice error) and that SOB kicked me in the shoulder like a Clydesdale.

"OUCH!" I think my yelling was louder than the shotgun. It did hurt, but I think I was more startled than anything. I tried one of the instructor's break-open guns, but when I went to pull the trigger it didn't move. After the instructor looked at the gun, I tried again. Same thing. She had given me a broken gun! I tried a second break-open, decided it probably didn't kick any less than Bruiser, (actually it was a lot less) and opted to go back to my own gun. For some reason I didn't like shooting the break-open gun, even though I think they look cool.

Twice with Bruiser I made the mistake of tensing or twisting and momentarily wrenched my back and ribs. It seemed like the kickbacks were becoming more powerful with each shot. We had completed 20 rounds and I was getting tired - and sore! But I persevered with Bruiser, and actually hit two moving clay targets! It was very empowering, especially since I had the "wrong" gun for the class and I don't have real good depth perception.

Randi blasted her very first target. She had a few more hits, but we rookies & rusties were overshadowed by several women there that are professional trap shooters. It was incredible watching them, and very inspiring. Then there was little twelve year old Alexis, who started out with a smaller guage gun. She wasn't hitting the targets at first. During the afternoon session, the instructors gave Alexis a bigger gun (maybe a 16ga? not sure) and that girl hit nearly EVERY SINGLE TARGET except maybe three. At 12 years old, she's ready for a 12ga.!

At the end of the day, I came away with a small bruise below my shoulder and some muscles are beginning to stiffen up, but I saw worse battlescars on some of the other women with the slightly milder guns. I'm proud of myself for sticking with Bruiser, big, bad,ugly and loud as he is. We are well acquainted now, and I'm not afraid of him anymore. He's ready to do his job, but I'm the boss.

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Thanks so much to instructors Deby and Sunny from the SSA, Randi Becker for attending with me, and all the other participants of the clinic. It was an interesting day indeed.
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Everyone please remember to take a moment on Friday, September 11th, to honor the victims and rescue workers of the terrorist attacks in 2001. We Must NEVER Forget.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bobocare: Health Care Plan or Genocide?

Dear fellow common sense driven Americans (this is a non-partisan message!):

The Bobo & Co health care "plan" is perhaps the most frightening document I've ever read - other than what I learned about the Holocaust in school (yes, they actually taught History in the 1970's).

Congressman Dave Reichert confirmed the ugliest of the "rumors" about Bobocare during his tele-town hall meeting this afternoon. Dave was fully informed and helpful to those who called in. Afterward, I read a "short" synopsis of the 1,017 page bill. A sampling of some of the most disturbing contents of the bill as written:

Page 42: The new "Health Choices Commissioner" (they finally wised up and dropped the "czar" crap, just to make it sound more friendly I guess) will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice.

Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with FREE healthcare services.

Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard. Since there appears to be caps on benefits and rationing of services written into the bill as well, my suspicion is this ID Healthcard will serve as your "debit card" with a set limit, and once you're over that limit - too bad. Better sign up for the end-of-life counseling which I would bet - is free.

Page 59: The federal government will have DIRECT, REAL TIME ACCESS TO ALL INDIVIDUAL BANK ACCOUNTS FOR ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER. Again, my suspicion is that the ID card will also serve as a debit card, to ensure the government that you pay your fair share, even though it's an equal plan for all. And if you don't have the credits on your card, I guess they just take your naked, broke AND broken, sorry butt out to a field for large birds to feed on. Problem solved. Until of course, you have surviving family members who will have to use the credits on their own Healthcards to cremate your corpse. If you have the audacity to have a semi-serious accident and require limb reattachment or even stitches in your scalp, your whole year's "ration" may be used up, even though it's only February. God forbid you catch the flu in March. Better get out Granny's home remedy cookbook. That may be the most sophisticated medical advice you will get - for the rest of your government-granted life.

Page 95: The government will pay ACORN and Americorps to 'sign up' individuals for the government run Boboplan. WHAT? ACORN? ARE YOU FRICKIN KIDDING ME? What shall we call them, the LEFT NUT CZARS?

Page 167: Any individual who doesn't have acceptable healthcare - according to government standards - will be taxed 2.5% of their income. This is in addition to your personally paid premiums to keep the insurance company of your choice, that is too good to be on the approved providers list.

Page 170: Any non-resident alien is exempt from individual taxes. This policy alone should be enough for every American citizen to stand up and scream like smashed cats.

Page 195: BIG WARNING ON THIS ONE, I think it's illegal, we need to look into it.
Officers AND employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records. What the hell does that mean? Hundreds if not thousands of strangers peeking into our bank accounts and medical files? Hey BOBO. EVER HEAR OF I.D. THEFT??? Don't we already have laws in place to protect our confidential medical records? Are you really that interested in Bobbi Sue's ovarian cysts, or Billy Bob's rectal cancer? And should we just trust your Left Nut Czar beer buddies from ACORN with access to what's left of our life savings and privacy? (p.s. I cracked up when I realized the initials for this "bureaucracy" is GHB... isn't that a "date rape" drug? Maybe when they warned us to bend over they weren't kidding.)

Page 203: The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax. In other words, no tax deductions, no refunds. The boneheaded committee member that came up with this wording needs to be FORCED TO RESIGN IMMEDIATELY. Somebody please let me know who it is.

Bottom Line:

This is NOT just an ambitious attempt to socialize health care. This document reads like a dictator's plan, a manifesto planning genocide and absolute control. Pages 425 through 430 horrifically outline a frightening, carefully detailed, government controlled plan to decide who should live, and who should die. Doesn't matter if you, #123-45-6789, need a kidney transplant and your neice has already volunteered to be a donor, if you are 70 you could be judged too old to be a productive citizen (probably by a paid member of ACORN) and you could be ORDERED to say buh-bye, you only have 15 years or so left anyway, and be sent to live out your last days in some scummy government run hospice that will turn a profit by expediting your death.

So what better way to control the people than to promise them pain, disease, poverty, mandatory "consultations" about euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide at age 65? People don't want to die; but as proven in Jonestown, they will do whatever their "leader" tells them to do if they're scared enough - including suicide.

Erika, I'm so afraid you are right. It does seem like 1933 Germany all over again. However, this time we're smarter. We will NOT allow history to repeat itself - not on our soil.

But, I'm encouraged by the uprising of the grassroots! It's fun to watch Bobo, Pelosi and Spechter squirm and step in their own spit. This "administration" likes to brag about all the "firsts..." and the history they are making. I agree. They're making history all right... they managed in seven short months to break every campaign promise, divide congress and the people rather than bring us together, stir up race issues long since on the mend; preach "green" and then jet around the world on OUR MONEY for what appears to be campaign tours; Bobo actually apologized to our enemies for the sins of being the United States of America - a country like no other on God's beautiful earth. I'm so happy The People are waking up so quickly. A little - or a lot - of Bobo remorse is going to go a long way.

As for me - I want his butt impeached, tried, convicted, and thrown in prison with Madoff and all the rest of the scammers and frauds. Then the government should take Bobo's accrued and future wages for the rest of his term, along with his questionable personal bank account, and divide that up equally between us taxpayers for a little extra "stimulus".

Everyone please take good care of yourselves & your families. Keep speaking out, and keep praying - it's working!
