Thursday, May 14, 2009

Great Start, Senator Becker!

I want to congratulate and personally thank 2nd District Senator Randi Becker for her outstanding performance in her freshman session. This has got to be the absolute worst time EVER to be an inexperienced, minority-party senator. The very thought of it nearly sends me into a panic attack. But I knew as soon as I met her, that Randi was special and would be successful in her campaign.

What makes Randi special is that she is so normal. She's a homebody, loves to work her land and take care of her horses. She's friendly and family oriented. She doesn't have a big ego. She was set to retire, and didn't have to take on the grubby job of the legislature. Yet she truly cared enough about our state and our country to postpone her retirement and use her management and people skills to help give the conservatives a strong voice. Her election for the 2nd District Senate in 2008 was historic for the PCRP and the WSRP. Randi takes her job seriously, which is to represent her constituents to the legislature. I know she worked very, very hard this first session. Although she tried to describe her experience to me several times, I don't recall her using FU.. words ending with the letter N (kidding Randi, just kidding! >(:0] maybe).

How refreshing for a politician to actually remember who "the boss" is and where their paycheck comes from. The extraordinary part is that Randi isn't in this for the money. Of course, that is probably why she will be so effective.

Randi - I pray you never change or become jaded. Keep that Cancer the Crab determination going!

God Bless America & All Americans!


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