Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Don't Like Stupid People.

I don’t like stupid people.

We’re surrounded by them. Some of my peeves include people that:
- refuse to spay or neuter their pets
- tie or chain their dogs instead of providing a safe, fenced yard to play in
- let their dogs run loose in the neighborhood
- don’t use their turn indicators on their car
- go 35 mph in a 45mph zone
- go 45mph in a 35mph zone
- think it’s cool to play their “music” so loud in their cars that your own windows rattle and your ears pop
- think it’s cool to have a big, loud exhaust system on a mini-car
- park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle so you can’t get by
- attempt to get on a packed elevator before the others can come out first (this goes for any doorway or waiting on a line)
- ignore the “no soliciting” sign on my door, and ring the bell anyway – then act all offended when I rip their lips off
- leave flyers and other trash on my doorstep when I’m not home
- try to push their religious beliefs on me
- won’t take no for an answer
- follow the pack instead of thinking for themselves
- are too vain and wrapped up in themselves to see the forest through the trees
- are slackers, thieves, ingrates, cowards and liars – in this category I figure if you’re one, you’re all five
There are a few things on this list that I admit are just a part of growing up, like the jerks with their loud music and cars. The others shouldn’t even have to be listed, as they are so obviously common sense type things. But with our nanny state, and Big Brother Bobo’s coronation oops I mean election, the lemmings/sheeples/people don’t even have a choice to raise their kids the way they want to. I believe there are times when a child between 3 and 7 may require a swat on the hiney. Of course corporal punishment should always be the last resort, after grounding and depriving of privileges. But I digress.

What worries me is the young adults of today WILL be our government ten and twenty years from now. Where are the real leaders going to come from? Young America today is fascinated with money, celebrity (or notoriety), violence, and cheap super-dangerous drugs. It’s up to US (you-ess Paul Harvey would to say) to work hard and get the citizens of this greatest country in the world back on track. We need to demand that our politicians get back to the basic laws of the Constitution. We need to remind them that “politician” basically means policy maker. We need to remind them that THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PILGRIMS COMING TO AMERICA WAS TO DENOUNCE THE “MONARCHY” AND DEMAND FREEDOM.

God please bless us all. Help us get back to the basic principles of our great country.


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