Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Queen Christine: Making an Ass of You and Me

Well folks, after several months of (thankfully) Queen Christine out of the headlines - probably by orders of Bobo & Co - she finally emerges today with this dire warning to her constituents:

Gregoire says she'll consider tax increase

published in the News Tribune 9/29/09

Gee, are we shocked? At ten months into her second term, I'm surprised she had this much self-control. I figured she'd be going for a tax hike within 90 days.

A QC quote from the same article: “At some point, the people, I assume, don’t want us to make any more cuts,” she said.

"I assume"??? This is a very revealing statement. QUEEN CHRISTINE HAS NO IDEA WHAT THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON 'WANT'. She "assumes"?
Notice to my state senator and representatives: If I EVER hear you saying that you "assume" what the people "want" is the day you lose my support. But, I've lucked out by living in the 2nd LD and my elected officials Sen. Randi Becker, Rep. Tom Campbell and Rep. Jim McCune actually seem to care what "the people" of our district want.

QC is the GOVERNOR. Who the hell does she think put her in office for a second, bloodletting term, the Russians? She "assumes"? Sorry folks, I just can't get past that one. Even her own party has got to be a little disturbed about this. She basically just admitted she doesn't know what they want either.

So, the queen laments cutting education budgets. “I mean, I’m already hearing about, ’Why did you cut education?’ Well, there weren’t any options. We’re without options.” she says. Without options? This statement proves QC and her courtiers - oops I mean staff - can't come up with any options. Wonderful legislature we have, huh.

Another quote in the article from a Rodney Tom, D-Medina, "consumer spending is still not rocking and rolling.” Hey! That's a wonderful reason for a tax hike! We consumers don't have any money to spend, so QC will just steal what little we have left from us instead! Tell me Mr. Tom... are you current on your mortgage in Stuffy Ol' Medina? Can you pay your water and power bills on time? Do you have to put a week's worth of groceries on your credit card like I had to do? Do you have a family and are they well fed? Do you have to eat things like rice and beans for dinner? And since you think the answer is to implement yet another tax on tobacco and alcohol, will you still be able to serve a nice wine at your next dinner party? Cigars for the boys afterwards? A little brandy nightcap, perhaps.

When I first became involved with politics, I was told by half a dozen people that I should "slow down" my enthusiasm lest I burn out and quit. That was five years ago. As an American that believes the Constitution is the second most amazing, intelligent and inspiring document ever written (the Bible being the first, of course), I will not quit. I am far from burned out. I have a voice. A genetically LOUD voice, both written and spoken. I know it, and I use it. I have to. I'm compelled to speak up and 'rage against the machine'.

Somebody has to.

Take good care everybody. God Bless America.

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