Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Queen Christine: Making an Ass of You and Me

Well folks, after several months of (thankfully) Queen Christine out of the headlines - probably by orders of Bobo & Co - she finally emerges today with this dire warning to her constituents:

Gregoire says she'll consider tax increase

published in the News Tribune 9/29/09

Gee, are we shocked? At ten months into her second term, I'm surprised she had this much self-control. I figured she'd be going for a tax hike within 90 days.

A QC quote from the same article: “At some point, the people, I assume, don’t want us to make any more cuts,” she said.

"I assume"??? This is a very revealing statement. QUEEN CHRISTINE HAS NO IDEA WHAT THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON 'WANT'. She "assumes"?
Notice to my state senator and representatives: If I EVER hear you saying that you "assume" what the people "want" is the day you lose my support. But, I've lucked out by living in the 2nd LD and my elected officials Sen. Randi Becker, Rep. Tom Campbell and Rep. Jim McCune actually seem to care what "the people" of our district want.

QC is the GOVERNOR. Who the hell does she think put her in office for a second, bloodletting term, the Russians? She "assumes"? Sorry folks, I just can't get past that one. Even her own party has got to be a little disturbed about this. She basically just admitted she doesn't know what they want either.

So, the queen laments cutting education budgets. “I mean, I’m already hearing about, ’Why did you cut education?’ Well, there weren’t any options. We’re without options.” she says. Without options? This statement proves QC and her courtiers - oops I mean staff - can't come up with any options. Wonderful legislature we have, huh.

Another quote in the article from a Rodney Tom, D-Medina, "consumer spending is still not rocking and rolling.” Hey! That's a wonderful reason for a tax hike! We consumers don't have any money to spend, so QC will just steal what little we have left from us instead! Tell me Mr. Tom... are you current on your mortgage in Stuffy Ol' Medina? Can you pay your water and power bills on time? Do you have to put a week's worth of groceries on your credit card like I had to do? Do you have a family and are they well fed? Do you have to eat things like rice and beans for dinner? And since you think the answer is to implement yet another tax on tobacco and alcohol, will you still be able to serve a nice wine at your next dinner party? Cigars for the boys afterwards? A little brandy nightcap, perhaps.

When I first became involved with politics, I was told by half a dozen people that I should "slow down" my enthusiasm lest I burn out and quit. That was five years ago. As an American that believes the Constitution is the second most amazing, intelligent and inspiring document ever written (the Bible being the first, of course), I will not quit. I am far from burned out. I have a voice. A genetically LOUD voice, both written and spoken. I know it, and I use it. I have to. I'm compelled to speak up and 'rage against the machine'.

Somebody has to.

Take good care everybody. God Bless America.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My ears are ringing and my eyes are crossed, but I managed to sit through Bobo's speech tonight. I'm glad I did, because it was the funniest thing I've seen on TV all week!

A large group of the Republicans were acting up, the bad boys that they are. One guy had crafted a sign out of his notebook paper that simply said B U L L . Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard. If anybody knows who that guy is, please let me know! I want to send him a fan letter. Those sitting with him either held up their 1000 page-plus HR3200's or their own hand made signs.

After 30 minutes of Bobo lecturing we peons about the history of health care in 1935, he finally got to his sales pitch oops I mean specifics of his plan. The only "specific" I could understand was the part where he admitted that every single American will be "required to carry proof of health care insurance much like most states require auto insurance". How do you like that one, people? Isn't he sweet? What if you never get sick? Will the Health Care Czar come to your house and whack you on the knee so you can whip out yet another government issued ID card to prove you exist? How the heck do you regulate something like that? He attempted to "right some wrongs" that were being reported about HR3200, like the clause for free care for illegal aliens. Yes, he actually said ALIENS. Whoa! Isn't that racist? It was when George Bush said it. Anyway, that earned him a huge BOO and calls out of "Lies!" and "BS!" from the troublesome Republicans (bad boys that they are). Another LOL moment!

Ol' Swivel Neck lapsed into what sounded like yet another eulogy for Ted Kennedy, then switched to reverand. I thought he was going to recite the whole "I have a dream" speech for a minute there, substituting MLK's famous words with "I believe ..."! He scolded the Republicans specifically for not bringing him "something serious" for ideas on the health care plan and they are bad boys and girls for doing nothing - but trying to stop the bill entirely. DUH. He tried to be authoritative looking and even did the Podium Fist Pound and Pursed Lips to express his displeasure with the rogue Republicans. Problem is, while he attempted to talk to the audacious hoodlums directly, he continued to swivel his neck left and right. He finally caught himself and had to reposition his body so he wasn't appearing to bitch out the whole congress. The camera panned to the disruptive Republicans to get their reaction to the verbal spanking their president was dishing out. Several were snickering or dare I say - did I see a couple of them suddenly have to scratch their nose with their middle finger?

And what's this business of calling his own party's peeps "Progressive Friends" instead of Democrats? Hmm - do I recall the petty crap the D's were flinging around last year and in 2004 about the R's also calling themselves the GOP in order to "confuse" the voters?

In the end, there was something very satisfying about watching Bobo squirm tonight. I know some of you think I'm too hard on the guy, but no matter how I try, I can't come up with one positive thing to say about him. Okay, I didn't try that hard. But I do know I have zero respect for both him and his wife.

They say history repeats itself, and I am beginning to buy into the idea of a second revolution. Why not? We Americans seem to fight all of our wars in twos: World War twice, Southeast Asia twice (Korea and Vietnam), and Iraq twice. I pray every night that if we have to be stuck with Bobo, that he will just SHUT UP, stop trying to be a celebrity and tough guy, get the heck off my TV and out of my newspaper, and GET TO WORK.

Thank you God for making me an American. Regardless of our troubles right now, the USA is still and always will be the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Meet Bruiser, My New Roommate

Bruiser is no longer a virgin. I got his first shot off at 11:00 a.m. today. He kicked the crap outta me too, causing bruising and a wrenched back - but I asked for it!

Bruiser is my new 12ga pump action 500 Persuador shotgun (remember, I told you I was going to get one after that weirdo leftie sent me that creepy letter). I've had Bruiser for over a month now, but didn't want to mention it until I knew how to handle him safely.

I made several phone calls to rifle clubs and gun dealers, and found that there are plenty of safety/shooting classes available for handguns and rifles but none for shotguns specifically. I called the Pierce County Sheriff's office and a desk sergeant referred me to Sumner Sportsman's Association in Alderton, which is a shotgun-only club.

I googled SSA's website and there on the front page was an announcement for a Ladies Only Shotgun Clinic to be held in late August, an event they hold just once a year. What perfect timing and location! And affordable too at just $40 for the day, which included breakfast, lunch, ammo and clay disk targets. Knowing that my friend Senator Randi Becker is an outdoorswoman, I called her right away to see if she wanted to join me for the clinic. Randi wanted a shotgun refresher for her own 12ga pump, and I had the virgin Bruiser, so it worked out really well that we register to go together.

Now mind you, I was just as much a "gun virgin" as Bruiser. I haven't fired a gun of any kind in more than 25 years. I didn't remember what a recoil kick felt like. In anticipation of the upcoming clinic, I did some research on the net and discovered through a chatroom I accidentally fell into, that my model shotgun was known for it's hard kickback. I started to get a little nervous about actually firing Bruiser and promptly stashed him out of my site (pun intended) and didn't look at him again until this morning, three weeks later.

I've never been fond of the way Bruiser looks. He's pure black, no decoration whatsoever, and looks like a machine gun to me. But he makes that AWESOME and undeniably frightening click-CACHUNK action sound loud and clear which is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted a home-security gun and that's what I got.

And so, I was surprised when Randi and I entered the clubhouse and all the guns in the racks, including Randi's, seemed not only smaller than mine, but had beautiful wood stocks - some with silver inlay. I didn't know there was a difference between home-security shotguns and hunting or trap shooting guns. The instructors looked at Bruiser and told me that he wouldn't do very well on the trap shoot. Bruiser was made for home protection - a bigger barrell, wider shot pattern, lots of big bang. They offered me a different gun to use on the traps but I was there to shoot Bruiser.

The first time I pulled his trigger it was, to say the least, a surprise. I didn't have the butt pulled in to my shoulder real tight (I know, novice error) and that SOB kicked me in the shoulder like a Clydesdale.

"OUCH!" I think my yelling was louder than the shotgun. It did hurt, but I think I was more startled than anything. I tried one of the instructor's break-open guns, but when I went to pull the trigger it didn't move. After the instructor looked at the gun, I tried again. Same thing. She had given me a broken gun! I tried a second break-open, decided it probably didn't kick any less than Bruiser, (actually it was a lot less) and opted to go back to my own gun. For some reason I didn't like shooting the break-open gun, even though I think they look cool.

Twice with Bruiser I made the mistake of tensing or twisting and momentarily wrenched my back and ribs. It seemed like the kickbacks were becoming more powerful with each shot. We had completed 20 rounds and I was getting tired - and sore! But I persevered with Bruiser, and actually hit two moving clay targets! It was very empowering, especially since I had the "wrong" gun for the class and I don't have real good depth perception.

Randi blasted her very first target. She had a few more hits, but we rookies & rusties were overshadowed by several women there that are professional trap shooters. It was incredible watching them, and very inspiring. Then there was little twelve year old Alexis, who started out with a smaller guage gun. She wasn't hitting the targets at first. During the afternoon session, the instructors gave Alexis a bigger gun (maybe a 16ga? not sure) and that girl hit nearly EVERY SINGLE TARGET except maybe three. At 12 years old, she's ready for a 12ga.!

At the end of the day, I came away with a small bruise below my shoulder and some muscles are beginning to stiffen up, but I saw worse battlescars on some of the other women with the slightly milder guns. I'm proud of myself for sticking with Bruiser, big, bad,ugly and loud as he is. We are well acquainted now, and I'm not afraid of him anymore. He's ready to do his job, but I'm the boss.

* * * * * * * * * *
Thanks so much to instructors Deby and Sunny from the SSA, Randi Becker for attending with me, and all the other participants of the clinic. It was an interesting day indeed.
* * * * * * * * * *
Everyone please remember to take a moment on Friday, September 11th, to honor the victims and rescue workers of the terrorist attacks in 2001. We Must NEVER Forget.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bobocare: Health Care Plan or Genocide?

Dear fellow common sense driven Americans (this is a non-partisan message!):

The Bobo & Co health care "plan" is perhaps the most frightening document I've ever read - other than what I learned about the Holocaust in school (yes, they actually taught History in the 1970's).

Congressman Dave Reichert confirmed the ugliest of the "rumors" about Bobocare during his tele-town hall meeting this afternoon. Dave was fully informed and helpful to those who called in. Afterward, I read a "short" synopsis of the 1,017 page bill. A sampling of some of the most disturbing contents of the bill as written:

Page 42: The new "Health Choices Commissioner" (they finally wised up and dropped the "czar" crap, just to make it sound more friendly I guess) will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice.

Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with FREE healthcare services.

Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard. Since there appears to be caps on benefits and rationing of services written into the bill as well, my suspicion is this ID Healthcard will serve as your "debit card" with a set limit, and once you're over that limit - too bad. Better sign up for the end-of-life counseling which I would bet - is free.

Page 59: The federal government will have DIRECT, REAL TIME ACCESS TO ALL INDIVIDUAL BANK ACCOUNTS FOR ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER. Again, my suspicion is that the ID card will also serve as a debit card, to ensure the government that you pay your fair share, even though it's an equal plan for all. And if you don't have the credits on your card, I guess they just take your naked, broke AND broken, sorry butt out to a field for large birds to feed on. Problem solved. Until of course, you have surviving family members who will have to use the credits on their own Healthcards to cremate your corpse. If you have the audacity to have a semi-serious accident and require limb reattachment or even stitches in your scalp, your whole year's "ration" may be used up, even though it's only February. God forbid you catch the flu in March. Better get out Granny's home remedy cookbook. That may be the most sophisticated medical advice you will get - for the rest of your government-granted life.

Page 95: The government will pay ACORN and Americorps to 'sign up' individuals for the government run Boboplan. WHAT? ACORN? ARE YOU FRICKIN KIDDING ME? What shall we call them, the LEFT NUT CZARS?

Page 167: Any individual who doesn't have acceptable healthcare - according to government standards - will be taxed 2.5% of their income. This is in addition to your personally paid premiums to keep the insurance company of your choice, that is too good to be on the approved providers list.

Page 170: Any non-resident alien is exempt from individual taxes. This policy alone should be enough for every American citizen to stand up and scream like smashed cats.

Page 195: BIG WARNING ON THIS ONE, I think it's illegal, we need to look into it.
Officers AND employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records. What the hell does that mean? Hundreds if not thousands of strangers peeking into our bank accounts and medical files? Hey BOBO. EVER HEAR OF I.D. THEFT??? Don't we already have laws in place to protect our confidential medical records? Are you really that interested in Bobbi Sue's ovarian cysts, or Billy Bob's rectal cancer? And should we just trust your Left Nut Czar beer buddies from ACORN with access to what's left of our life savings and privacy? (p.s. I cracked up when I realized the initials for this "bureaucracy" is GHB... isn't that a "date rape" drug? Maybe when they warned us to bend over they weren't kidding.)

Page 203: The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax. In other words, no tax deductions, no refunds. The boneheaded committee member that came up with this wording needs to be FORCED TO RESIGN IMMEDIATELY. Somebody please let me know who it is.

Bottom Line:

This is NOT just an ambitious attempt to socialize health care. This document reads like a dictator's plan, a manifesto planning genocide and absolute control. Pages 425 through 430 horrifically outline a frightening, carefully detailed, government controlled plan to decide who should live, and who should die. Doesn't matter if you, #123-45-6789, need a kidney transplant and your neice has already volunteered to be a donor, if you are 70 you could be judged too old to be a productive citizen (probably by a paid member of ACORN) and you could be ORDERED to say buh-bye, you only have 15 years or so left anyway, and be sent to live out your last days in some scummy government run hospice that will turn a profit by expediting your death.

So what better way to control the people than to promise them pain, disease, poverty, mandatory "consultations" about euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide at age 65? People don't want to die; but as proven in Jonestown, they will do whatever their "leader" tells them to do if they're scared enough - including suicide.

Erika, I'm so afraid you are right. It does seem like 1933 Germany all over again. However, this time we're smarter. We will NOT allow history to repeat itself - not on our soil.

But, I'm encouraged by the uprising of the grassroots! It's fun to watch Bobo, Pelosi and Spechter squirm and step in their own spit. This "administration" likes to brag about all the "firsts..." and the history they are making. I agree. They're making history all right... they managed in seven short months to break every campaign promise, divide congress and the people rather than bring us together, stir up race issues long since on the mend; preach "green" and then jet around the world on OUR MONEY for what appears to be campaign tours; Bobo actually apologized to our enemies for the sins of being the United States of America - a country like no other on God's beautiful earth. I'm so happy The People are waking up so quickly. A little - or a lot - of Bobo remorse is going to go a long way.

As for me - I want his butt impeached, tried, convicted, and thrown in prison with Madoff and all the rest of the scammers and frauds. Then the government should take Bobo's accrued and future wages for the rest of his term, along with his questionable personal bank account, and divide that up equally between us taxpayers for a little extra "stimulus".

Everyone please take good care of yourselves & your families. Keep speaking out, and keep praying - it's working!



Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I've Attracted a Crazy Liberal Stalker... Am I Now an Official RWE?

Happy Hot Days fellow R's!

I'm pretty sure I have been officially identified by the Left as a RWE - Right Wing Extremist.

Apparently my latest LTE really stirred up some crap and pissed off at least one person something awful. I thought it was one of my tamer letters. Although several regular lefties posted their typical responses to my letters, there were also several that complimented me in some form (a welcome surprise - maybe some of these people do understand the First Amendment). It is difficult for some of these posters stay on track and next thing you know they're back trashing GWB and how evil he was, and blaming me for it. One self-admitted non-fan even encouraged me to keep writing because he thinks I have a "flair for words" and "enjoyed" reading my letters. Now THAT is what democracy is all about. Talk first. Listen. Compare policies. Of course we are not all going to agree in congress. But I still hold out hope that somehow, some way, we can find honest leaders of both parties that check their egos at the door and take a vow of compromise.

Yesterday, when it was still over 80 degrees in my back yard at 10:00 pm, I was busy trying to finish a yard project when I remembered I hadn't picked up my mail yet. Imagine my surprise when there was notice from my mail-lady that I owed her $0.43 for "postage due" for a letter that was in my mailbox.

Sure enough, there was a legal sized envelope in my mail that was addressed boldly to:
WENDY LAKE. GRAHAM WA. 98338. No return address, no street address for me, and a one cent stamp on it. Inside was a three page, handwritten letter (all in printed caps) berating me for being a Republican and admitting it. Here is an excerpt of the first paragraph:

"Your letter to the editor only reaffirms your ignorance and sycophant allegiance to a Republican Party that is not only corrupt, but despised by the majority of the American Public".

Hmm... not just anyone can use, let alone spell, "sycophant" in their postings but there is at least one regular poster that uses the term frequently.

The next paragraph reads:

"We had a fascist gov't (sic) for eight yrs (sic) installed by a right wing Supreme Court".

This weirdo goes on for three full hand-written pages. He even enclosed a cut-out from what looks to be a magazine about Pat Robertson (stapled on the right side... hmmm... could we be looking for a real leftie?) This person also included a photocopied article on the state of California and their budget failure. Huh? Like I care what's going on in California right now?

Of course, this coward didn't sign his name - not even his cute little "handle" used on the online comments forum, which I suspect he changes frequently.

Needless to say, if this person wanted to freak me out, he succeeded enough in that I reported it to the Sheriff's Department. I have a case number and I have a list of three regular posters that I suspect. The wording and other elements of this letter should help me to pinpoint who it is, and I intend to expose them. I'm working with the PCSD and my postmaster to resolve the problem.

I pray for this person and hope he knows that the letter made its way to me somehow and to never do it again (the fact it got to me without an address or postage really should give you a clue that I'm well known in my community - and they've got my back). Putting a letter like that through the mail - especially with postage due - doesn't accomplish a thing and you aren't going to change my mind, so why risk a stalking charge and jail time over something as basic as freedom of speech, and dare I say, differences of opinion? By the way, did you know that this letter can easily be traced due to the bar codes imprinted on the envelope after processing?

I am NOT an elected politician. There is not much I can do for you anyway. I was elected to be the representative (PCO) of the Pierce County Republican Party in my precinct. Period. TOTALLY PARTISAN. I've never, ever tried to hide my party affiliation or loyalty. I'm a little disturbed that you felt the urge to hand write a letter to me, and in such a manner - to a woman you don't even know (remember Thelma and Louise?) - and not have the stones to simply identify yourself. What a coward. But not to mind, the Sheriff's Department is fully informed. My dog is fully loaded - 65+ pounds with lots of healthy teeth and a VERY protective attitude.

It all makes me very sad. I'm beginning to think Bobo had better direct his teleprompter writers to remind Americans that he is also half "white", produce the dang birth certificate and otherwise keep his big mouth shut.

That's all I can stand for now.

Take good care, and please God bless America and all Americans.

Breezie (Wendy L.)

BTW: I've finally decided what I need to do with my tax return. I'm going shotgun shopping tomorrow.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

My latest letter to the editor finally succeeded in pissing off at least one dipdog* to the point of personal attack! And the surprise is, one of the liberal regulars that usually slams me actually stood up for my right to freedom of speech!

Here's the letter, published in today's paper:

Why is Barack Obama so angry?
I tried to watch Obama’s press conference on health care reform, but all I could hear was an angry, defensive voice that got louder as he spoke. All I could see was the scowl on his face and his eyes moving rapidly back and forth while reading his teleprompter. I saw him angrily pounding his fist on the lectern many times. I had to turn my television off after just 15 minutes.
As an American, I take offense at the tone of Obama’s speech and his defensive attitude. I do not appreciate being lectured, hollered at or scolded by any politician. I do not appreciate a politician – especially one who claims to be the president – displaying his temper and apparent violent tendencies on national television.
Obama and his administration are obviously spinning out of control. A confident leader doesn’t need to resort to harsh words or angry gestures to get the point across – unless of course, he has something to hide.

And here are some of the comments posted online:

Wendy, they don't call you folks Graham Crackers for no reason.
What the hell does that mean? I've heard the term before, but when I asked this person whether Graham Cracker was a racial slur, he suddenly went offline. Hmmm.

Ah, classic Wendy Lake bias. I remember her letters from the Bush years.
I really liked this one, especially since I didn't come to politics until 2004. And I don't recall writing any LTE's about GW.

Wendy routinely refers to President Obama as Bobo. It's hard to view her letter as being objective. Overly dramatic, yes.
This guy is obviously a fan of mine, or he wouldn't remember what I call the fraud in the White House. Of course I'm bias! I'm a REPUBLICAN.

From the same person as above:
This letter tries to raise suspicions about motives that don't exist. I watched the same thing that Wendy did and saw no such display of anger.

And my personal favorite:

I am so tired of Wendy Lake. The problem with Wendy Lake is that she has nothing positive to say about this administration which shows her bias. I would say the same thing about someone who criticized Bush about every little nuance. I am so tired of looking at the paper and seeing Wendy Lake - Graham. I appreciate someone who has an opinion that is articulate and well thought out and not one that simply attacks. For Wendy, to attack Barack Obama because she sees him as angry is playing on sterotypes and she should be ashamed, but she is not because she thinks she is helping. She is not. So Wendy do us a favor. SHUT UP. You hurt this country far more then you help it. GO AWAY WENDY LAKE.
If this person aimed to offend me, they are way off the mark. My first thought was, damn! I'm famous! My second thought was, mission accomplished! I managed to really get under this dipdog's skin! YAY!

But even more surprising was this post by the same guy that labeled me "overly dramatic":
Wendy Lake has every right to express her opinion; like it or not.

Isn't that great!

And lastly, this comment:
Not your best work, Wendy...
and right after that, by the same person:
PS - keep writing!

I'll do that Denis. Look for my next letter in about 30 days.

God Bless America, and ALL Americans! Sorry Bobo... this obviously does not include you.

*Dipdog is a classic "Wendyism"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Go Sarah!

When I first read that Sarah Palin suddenly resigned, I was only mildly surprised. My first thought was, ain't no way she'll ever be elected president - at least not in 2012 - but what a great lobbyist she could be for energy independence!

Sarah apparently resigned in large part to protect the citizens of Alaska. Her office had been bombarded with so many "ethics" complaints (all of which have been dismissed) that it cost the taxpayers at least TWO MILLION so far just to handle the paperwork. At that point, being a sensible woman, she did what was right for Alaska. It wasn't her own state that launched all these personal bombs, but the entire opposition nationwide. And of course, they play dirty. The current "administration" demands privacy for his own family, but has no problem authorizing his puppetmasters to attack Sarah's family. Sarah's children - and husband - have been scrutinized, insulted, judged, and disprespected by the mainstream media in ways that are shockingly low-blow, even for the liberals.

From what I've observed of Sarah Palin is that she seems so REAL. She invited reporters into her home, fixed them dinner, and allowed them to record her private, daily interactions with her very-normal family. By the time these "interviews" go to air, the media abuses these very generous interviews by branding her a ditz and exploiting her minor daughter's very personal, private life situation. These brainless, heartless jerks even accused Sarah of faking her own pregnancy to cover for her daughter - and then blaming Sarah for her son's Down's Syndrome. STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do ya think a candidate's kids, especially minor children are fair play to create a scandal? Should the children be mentioned at all unless they are over 18 and actively working on the campaign? Do ya think the fact that Sarah Palin was an expectant mother (woman) while in office should have been an issue at all, other than a celebration of the birth of her son? I don't believe Sarah's resignation as governor wasn't well thought out . I think she is protecting her family. She still has three young children to raise. I like that she is putting her family first. It proves she has values and practices them. But don't count her out yet.

Sarah Palin is my role model. She is so smart, and thoroughly GOP. I want her to become the most powerful lobbyist for energy independence and IMMEDIATE drilling in Alaska. Her power will eclipse Bobo and she'll make way more money than him! Sarah Palin is one of the best people to come along in the GOP for a long time. We, as Republicans, need to use her common sense leadership and ability to carefully listen to her constituents as a template for the future of the Republican Party.

Like it or not - and the "old school" does not - Sarah Palin is not going away any time soon.

GO SARAH!!! You don't have to be president to be the most powerful woman in the USA!

God Bless America, and ALL Americans!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Downfall of Dave Reichert

I claim to be Dave Reichert's biggest fan in Pierce County, and I may very well be. He's been my hero for 25 years or more - way before he was a politician. I've willingly worked on his last two campaigns and still have an original "Reelect Dave Reichert" t-shirt from 2004.

I am just as frustrated and bewildered as the rest of you about the Congressman's "yes" vote on the cap-and-trade bill. His explanation on his website is as follows:

Reichert Votes for Clean Energy, Security Legislation

Washington, D.C., Jun 26 -
Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08) released the following statement today after the U.S. House passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act:

“Energy independence and our national security are critical issues for America. These issues transcend politics. The future of this country is on the line and we can spare no effort when it comes to leading on these issues at a global level.

“This bill is not perfect, but it is a vital step toward energy independence. America cannot maintain global leadership without innovation and new ideas, and we cannot lead if we increasingly depend on foreign nations to heat our homes and move people and goods. The price of inaction is too great; America cannot stand on the sidelines while our competitors embrace new energy efficient technologies. It’s also important that we engage in a bipartisan discussion as we move forward – this bill has many other hoops to jump through before it becomes law and I will continue to work with my colleagues across the aisle and in the Senate to gain more tax relief for middle-income families.

“Teddy Roosevelt was the true example of a Republican engaged in conserving resources for our children and grandchildren, but he also had the foresight to seek a brighter future for them. Republicans must be at the table as we look for solutions in energy independence and preserving our environment, while also looking at the bigger picture and working with all of our colleagues for a stronger nation.”


Read into it what you will, and I'm in NO WAY condoning Reichert's vote. But when I saw the vile, hateful, insulting things my fellow R's were posting on the "Tacoma Glenn Beck Meetup" network, as well as an email string by a small group of Pierce County Republicans, attacking Dave's very character, I had to draw the line.

"I will do whatever I can do to defeat this Moron. This weak kneed, Lilly livered, wanked up, never come down again, miserable excuse for a politician, scumbag Reichert. I would rather vote for Darcy Burner. At least then we will know what we are getting." - former district leader of PCRP

Take a look at the posting of a member of the Glenn Beck Meetup:

"Reichert is still there because we allow him to be. He is a RINO in a liberal district. At the very least, R’s should shun him even if voters won’t (though I don’t know if he’ll be able to survive this vote). That means no speaking or event invites, no place of honor or recognition...unless it is to offer him a public pink slip. He is tainting the R brand…a “rat head in a coke bottle” as Grover Norquist would say."

Did Congressman Reichert make a huge mistake? Absolutely.

Should the PCRP Central Committee discuss punishment, i.e. not endorsing Reichert next year? Yes. But first we must find a viable Republican to take his place.

Dave Reichert probably ended his own political career by voting for the cap-and-trade bill. He knows that by now. His campaign simply CAN NOT survive without Pierce County's support.

But that doesn't mean we need to treat him with disrespect, calling him names and acting like he's been a POS all along. I guarantee the people who have suddenly come to hate Dave Reichert would have been fighting to get next to him a month ago.

As Republicans, we are supposed to be the "moral" group. Why act like the libs and fling insults at our own? It's not like Dave got caught in an affair or some other scandal. He eff'd up, yes. It's probably reason enough to fire him, but it certainly isn't a reason to "shun" him. There's a difference.

We can punish the Congressman, but we don't have to humiliate him personally in the process. Please think about that.

God Bless America, and ALL Americans.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Heat + Full Moon = Rotten Package

Today is Thursday. It's after 9:00 and it's 77 degrees outside. It was 90 today and yesterday out here in Graham. The full moon is this Sunday.

Put the heat and the full moon together and you get one rotten package. I'll take Halloween any day in exchange for the weirdos that come out on hot evenings and full moons.

Call me superstitious if you wish (I am, to a point); I know all about it because I've been tracking the full moon phenomena for years. You see, I'm Cancer the Crab, a moon child.

This past week has been nothing short of a nightmare for the Pierce County Sheriff's Department. So far, some of the crap they've had to deal with includes two murders, the discovery of a missing little girl's body, and an armed robbery/execution of an innocent citizen in three days.

Tonight, a hot wind is blowing at a pretty good clip and the north sky is dark but the rain has not yet fallen. I've been listening to my scanner for a couple hours and so far have heard reports of three suspected DUI's, two domestic disturbances, suicide threats, one woman being arrested at "my" Arco (224th & Meridian), a report of a tree falling on a moving, occupied car, and more wrecks, road rage and fist fights than I can count.

I've had a weird day myself. My cats are running amok, my dog is afraid of the wind and I endured a virtual rain of mini-pine cones and other pollinated things pelting me like BB's. My neighbor's dog escaped and I had to run after her in 90 degree heat. There's a juvenile squirrel that has learned how to raid my bird feeder, a crow that thinks my dog's pool is it's kitchen sink, and a neighborhood cat that uses my hasta garden as a litter box. Nevertheless, my problems are pretty trite compared to the people that put their lives on the line for us every single day.

I commend Sheriff Pastor and his most awesome deputies and dispatchers for their ability to work together and get the job done - which is to protect us. Knowing what I do about the staffing of the PCSD, their performance is just short of miraculous. I guess that's why they are regularly featured on "Cops". And don't underestimate my rhetoric about the full moon and the heat... the theory has been proven... and the combination is sure to cause any unstable person to twist off... okay, and some of us "stable" people as well (sorry Matt).

My suggestion is that everyone lay low as close to their home as possible until Tuesday.

Take good care, and please, drive defensively!


A link to Breezie's Blog is now on the Tacoma News Tribune's recommended list. Go www.thenewstribune.com and click on the blogs tab at the headline banner. I hope you will add Breezie's Blog to your favorites or as a follower, and check back often for updates.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

PCO's - All Talk, No Action - a BIG mistake

Dear Fellow Precinct Committee Officers of the PCRP:

I take my duties as an elected PCO very seriously. Things have happened really fast for me during the past four years. I went from the typical lethargic lemming excuse, "I can't do anything about it anyway" and didn't register to vote until I was over 40 - only because of the Dino Rossi double-screw job. Within a year of joining the PCRP, my predecessor and mentor Eddie Hamilton, passed the Precinct 026 torch to me. I worked hard on the campaigns of 2006, my first political experience. I was totally hooked. I found my new "home".

I am proud to be an American, and a Republican. I love my precinct. I love my hometown of Graham. My mission - OBLIGATION - as an elected PCO is to recruit as many conservatives as possible. I am continuously on the "elephant hunt". I am well known - fondly actually - in "Downtown" Graham: Safeway, Walgreens, and Caroll's Corner as the local(loco?)Radical Republican (aka Right Wing Extremist). I am NOT AFRAID to show my disdain for Bobo the Puppet Liar. People come up to me all the time and want to talk about how Obama and his Puppet Masters are destroying our country day by day.

The PCO's are the important ones in the grand scheme of things. We ARE the PCRP - the "congress" if you will. Pierce County is ripe for the pickin'. Yet it's the same small core of people that actually attend district PCO meetings. For that matter, we can't seem to even fill up a Central Committee meeting.

I am irritated that several PCO's in the 2nd District have never attended a meeting or bothered to meet any of us. We have no idea who they are. I still have a "newly elected" PCO's basic binder that has been riding around in my car for seven months. I contacted the person via email that they needed to pick it up from me at the next meeting. Then the person asked me to mail it to them, of which I declined. It was not my responsibility to spend my own money to mail the binder to them. The person has never asked me about it again, and they have yet to attend a meeting as far as I know.

I wish the PCO's that can't commit to helping promote the Republican Party as they were ELECTED or APPOINTED to do, would resign and pass the torch to somebody in their neighborhood that can do the job.

Yes, we are volunteers; no, we don't get paid; and yes, we spend our own time and money, often without reward or recognition. But to me, seeing my name on the ballot last August, and receiving my certificate of election made me realize the importance of being a PCO. We took an oath to be the leaders in our own neighborhoods. We are an essential part of the political process.

So many times at various meetings I've heard "let's do this" or "let's do that". But nothing ever comes of it. At the least, nobody tells me if it does. (And if I ever find out that I was deliberately left out of ANYTHING, as a PCO, I will SCREAM LIKE A SMASHED CAT.)

So, here's a plea to the absentee PCO's: Please get involved, or give up your seat.

God Bless America - and ALL Americans!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Don't Like Stupid People.

I don’t like stupid people.

We’re surrounded by them. Some of my peeves include people that:
- refuse to spay or neuter their pets
- tie or chain their dogs instead of providing a safe, fenced yard to play in
- let their dogs run loose in the neighborhood
- don’t use their turn indicators on their car
- go 35 mph in a 45mph zone
- go 45mph in a 35mph zone
- think it’s cool to play their “music” so loud in their cars that your own windows rattle and your ears pop
- think it’s cool to have a big, loud exhaust system on a mini-car
- park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle so you can’t get by
- attempt to get on a packed elevator before the others can come out first (this goes for any doorway or waiting on a line)
- ignore the “no soliciting” sign on my door, and ring the bell anyway – then act all offended when I rip their lips off
- leave flyers and other trash on my doorstep when I’m not home
- try to push their religious beliefs on me
- won’t take no for an answer
- follow the pack instead of thinking for themselves
- are too vain and wrapped up in themselves to see the forest through the trees
- are slackers, thieves, ingrates, cowards and liars – in this category I figure if you’re one, you’re all five
There are a few things on this list that I admit are just a part of growing up, like the jerks with their loud music and cars. The others shouldn’t even have to be listed, as they are so obviously common sense type things. But with our nanny state, and Big Brother Bobo’s coronation oops I mean election, the lemmings/sheeples/people don’t even have a choice to raise their kids the way they want to. I believe there are times when a child between 3 and 7 may require a swat on the hiney. Of course corporal punishment should always be the last resort, after grounding and depriving of privileges. But I digress.

What worries me is the young adults of today WILL be our government ten and twenty years from now. Where are the real leaders going to come from? Young America today is fascinated with money, celebrity (or notoriety), violence, and cheap super-dangerous drugs. It’s up to US (you-ess Paul Harvey would to say) to work hard and get the citizens of this greatest country in the world back on track. We need to demand that our politicians get back to the basic laws of the Constitution. We need to remind them that “politician” basically means policy maker. We need to remind them that THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PILGRIMS COMING TO AMERICA WAS TO DENOUNCE THE “MONARCHY” AND DEMAND FREEDOM.

God please bless us all. Help us get back to the basic principles of our great country.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

No Politics Allowed.

Every now and then I need a reality check, to write about something other than politics. Something random yet inspiring; a feel-good story to put a grin on some gloomy gusses out there. Hope it works for you.


My goofy black mostly-lab, Holly Huckleberry, has got to be one of the smartest canines ever. She plays me like a fiddle. She flunked puppy school, probably due to her DAD (Doggie Attention Disobedience). All she ever wants to do is fetch, fetch, fetch and run, run, run.

When Holly was two years old, I took her to Ocean Shores. It was November and the beach was deserted. I released Holly's leash and she took off at a dead run. She looked exactly like one of those old Disney cartoons - back legs overtaking front legs (what I call the butt-tuck run) and pink tongue flying out the corner of her mouth, seemingly trailing three feet behind her.

Holly ran around me and in front of me. I never saw a dog have so much fun! I stopped walking and looked behind me - there were three perfect circles one on top of the other, figure eight style, fashioned out of dog paw tracks, embedded in the wet sand. When I turned back around, there was Holly sitting in front of me laughing.

Holly is an excellent athlete. She can jump vertically from a sit position up to six feet - and does so on a regular basis at the back door if she wants to come in, or greet a visitor. She has cracked up many a guest with her antics. It really is pretty funny - my neighbor has dubbed her Tigger".

Miss Huckleberry is also a fantastic pitcher. She can aim and toss better than Randy Johnson. When I'm sitting on the deck out back Holly will slick up her ball with as much saliva as she possibly can, dunk it in her pool for good measure, then toss the slimed ball directly on to my lap. Of course, she sucks me in every time because I'm going to react by saying "Eww!" and flicking the ball away, right? Well, to Holly that constitutes a "tip-off" and the game must commence. Being a retriever, she won't give up until she finds the toy, so the only way to get her to stop is to fake her out with a bogus throw of the ball and run away while she's looking for it. Sounds kinda mean, but believe me - it's necessary. I'm afraid that if I didn't force Holly to rest, she'd literally run herself to death.

One day I was burning in my backyard pit, and Holly ran right up and threw her favorite baby smack-dab into the fire, then stood back and laughed at me. Of course she got me again - I couldn't let her baby burn up! So I fished it out of the fire just like she expected me to. Dang - I hate it when my dog gets the best of me!

I recently bought a memory-foam topper for my bed, hoping to get some relief for my back. Holly quickly learned - like within minutes - that if she got on the bed before me, she could rule the bed and get away with sleeping sideways and there was little I could do about it. Now that I think about it, all my kids do that. Amazing how a six pound cat can become ten if it wants to, and a sixty-five pound dog can become a hundred. If the furry little brats don't want to move they won't. I've spent many a night - okay, nearly every night - wedged between the girls; Holly to my right stretched out width-wise... Teo at my head, kneading and purring and sticking her wet nose and tickly whiskers in my ear... Emmy perched atop me, making like a snapping turtle if I dare touch her or God forbid, turn over. Ungrateful little thing, Emmy. But that's a different story.

(to be continued...)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Great Start, Senator Becker!

I want to congratulate and personally thank 2nd District Senator Randi Becker for her outstanding performance in her freshman session. This has got to be the absolute worst time EVER to be an inexperienced, minority-party senator. The very thought of it nearly sends me into a panic attack. But I knew as soon as I met her, that Randi was special and would be successful in her campaign.

What makes Randi special is that she is so normal. She's a homebody, loves to work her land and take care of her horses. She's friendly and family oriented. She doesn't have a big ego. She was set to retire, and didn't have to take on the grubby job of the legislature. Yet she truly cared enough about our state and our country to postpone her retirement and use her management and people skills to help give the conservatives a strong voice. Her election for the 2nd District Senate in 2008 was historic for the PCRP and the WSRP. Randi takes her job seriously, which is to represent her constituents to the legislature. I know she worked very, very hard this first session. Although she tried to describe her experience to me several times, I don't recall her using FU.. words ending with the letter N (kidding Randi, just kidding! >(:0] maybe).

How refreshing for a politician to actually remember who "the boss" is and where their paycheck comes from. The extraordinary part is that Randi isn't in this for the money. Of course, that is probably why she will be so effective.

Randi - I pray you never change or become jaded. Keep that Cancer the Crab determination going!

God Bless America & All Americans!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thank you mom

Yesterday I went "big shopping" and had a cartful of stuff. As usual, the Graham Safeway was packed (it doesn't seem to matter what time of day it is, that store is always crammed). The check-out stands were at least four people deep. I was lucky enough to sneak into one just as someone was finishing up.

I saw that in line behind me was a lovely lady about my mother's age, with just a carry-basket of stuff. I told her she could go ahead of me in line. At first, she declined, but after I insisted she smiled and said, "Thank you, sweetie, and happy mother's day!"

I don't have any human children. My kids all have four legs and fur coats. And although they can't speak English and never grow up and move out, I consider them my kids anyway. Hey, at least I don't have to pay for college!

But when that lady told me "happy mother's day", I wasn't insulted or irritated that she assumed I was a mom. Instead, I started thinking about my own mother, and what she went through with five kids under the age of 9 while holding down a highly stressfull full-time job. I remember watching out the window in the dark of winter, looking for her car headlights coming down our long and secluded driveway. When Mom finally got home, it was around 6:00 and she still had to make dinner for us. I don't know how she did it.

So here's to your mom, and every other mom I know!

And for my mom,
Thank you, Jane, for everything. I love you very, very much.

Dear God, please bless our moms, America, and all Americans.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Silly American, 9/11 Didn't Happen

I've been feeling a bit burned out on politics lately so I told my mom that my next post would have nothing to do with politics. But Bobo really pissed me off this time. He is determined to convince the lemings - oops I mean mainstream America - that the terror and death of September 11, 2001 never happened. The inexplicable act of flying a jumbo jet - one of the Air Force One jets no less - being chased by F16's at a low altitude over Ground Zero without informing the public is reprehensible. The result of this type of activity by the administration is meant to desensitize Americans and open the doors for terrorists.

My latest submission to the TNT (they didn't print my last letter):

It seems like every day Barack Obama or a high-ranking official in his administration is apologizing to the American people for some boneheaded move, the latest being Monday's Air Force One accompanied by two F-16 fighter jets for a "photo op" over lower Manhattan.

Workers in New York and New Jersey were again terrorized by the sight of a low-flying commercial size jet, believing they were about to experience a repeat of 9/11/01. Thousands fled their work places and ran into the streets in a panic.

Apparently the NYPD was informed of the "exercise" a week in advance, but someone forgot to tell Mayor Bloomberg let alone the public.

What was the purpose of this exercise in the first place? Why fly over Manhattan? Who will pay for the downtime for the employers of the panic stricken? Since this was a military mission, why not fly low over the Pentagon and White House where everyone could have been easily informed ahead of time? And what about the cost to the taxpayer for the use of military assets and fuel waste? Why didn't they just photo shop the scene?

Most importantly, how could anyone - especially the president of the USA - think it's okay to fly commercial aircraft in the restricted zone over Ground Zero without informing the people first? Mayor Bloomberg called it "insensitive". I call it "incompetent".

Thursday, April 16, 2009

National TEA Day

I was front and center yesterday on the capital steps in Olympia, joining my fellow Americans across the country protesting the Obamanation that is rapidly ruining our country. Less than 100 days into his dictatorship - oops I mean administration - Bobo and his puppetmasters have managed to undo almost everything good about America. But, I'm preaching to the choir.

April 15, 2009 was one of the most exciting days of my adult life. To participate in a nationwide protest of such importance with fellow Americans - from all walks of life - was nothing less than amazing.

In addition to the hundreds of T.E.A. signs displayed, here is a sampling of other signs I saw:






and my favorite,


My sign read I "HOPE" I HAVE SOME "CHANGE" LEFT IN 4 YEARS. It's featured on slide 2 of KIRO TV's photo montage. I also saw myself on channel 7 news for about five seconds.

Although this was a nationwide protest, Bobo did not issue a comment or acknowledge the collective anger of his subjects - oops I mean - constituents. The liberal media, namely MSN.com, CNN.com, and MSNBC.com did not even publish a story on their website front page about the biggest anti-government protest in 30 years.

The fact that these TEA parties (TP's?) were held across the country in accordance with the First Amendment (the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances) is truly a historic moment for my generation. There was no violence, no fires set, no windows smashed, no teargas dispensed, no specific group represented... just you and me and the guy down the street.

For Bobo and the puppetmasters NOT to respond to yesterday's events is the ultimate disrespect of the Constitution. We've petitioned the government with our grievances, and now we have the right to redress.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Twenty Five Years Later...

I've been torturing myself with reruns of Dynasty on DVD. When the program first came out (January 12, 1981) I was seventeen. I remember it being the raciest show on TV - of course I had nothing to compare it to as the only channel we could receive back then was ABC - so I had never seen Dallas (which was on CBS). Cable television technology had not yet reached my home in Maple Valley.

This time around, being "a few years older" and aware (and a conservative), I noticed things in the story lines that I hadn't thought about before. I'm only to Season 3, but I can say that so far I'm amazed at how some things today really haven't changed that much, and some things have done a complete 360.

Consider this:

The pilot program aired Jan. 12, 1981, which means the story lines were written a minimum of a year prior to air - deep within the Carter administration and prior to President Ronald Reagan assuming office.

One of the opening scenes depicts Americans being evacuated from "somewhere in the Middle East" due to oil wars and anti-American riots. One of the characters (played by John Saxon rather poorly by the way) was portrayed as an oil-rich Saudi tycoon with nothing but money and revenge on his mind. This was years prior to the Gulf War, mind you - and the first World Trade Center bombing.

An episode in the third season has Blake pleading with the government to extend his funding for his shale-oil extraction and processing research project (over 25 years later, we'll still debating this subject - that, and drilling, of which Blake was obviously in favor). He hooks up with his seemingly wimpy, paid-for congressman and demands that the congressman use political contacts to be sure the bail-out goes through - or the congressman can write off Blake's generous campaign contributions. But during their initial meeting, the congressman clearly tells Blake several times that his party was outnumbered in congress and not to count on the funding. (I also noticed that during the program they called him congressman but his title in the credits was senator - oops.)

In just two years (1981 - 1983 so far) this show covered many other social subjects that we still are still struggling with: homosexuality (remember, AIDS hadn't surfaced yet and homosexuality was still very much in the closet. Rock Hudson appeared a couple of seasons later, ironically dying of AIDS in real life causing a major scandel when he kissed Linda Evans on screen); abortion; divorce; adoption; mental illness; child-parent kidnaping; drug abuse; alcoholism; domestic violence; and even a perv/rapist family member.

I hope everyone reading this will stop and take stock of (or research) the differences, similarities, and stalemates of the issues above, and if we have failed as Republicans, WHY? What can we do to preserve our Constitution?

I've had several people in the past week that have said to me, "there's nothing I can do about it". I called their BS. I'M doing something about it. YOU the PCRP are doing something about it. All over the country, people are beginning to do something about it. So whatever your own personal "it" subject is, there most certainly is something you can do about it.


I want to wish everybody a very happy Easter Sunday. May God bless the children, America, and ALL Americans.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Five Unexpected Angels

Once again, the extended community of Graham must cope with a devastating loss of our children, this time due to the incomprehensible, violent, murderous act of their own father.

I'm sure my neighbors are aware that I can be overly protective of my immediate neighborhood. I don't mean to be the cop of the cul-de-sac, but I can't help it. I have no patience for stupid people. Those who let their pets run loose, drive too fast, are too loud and have no regard for others. I admit it - I'm the one that polices the 'hood.

Even though I have lived through a couple of neighbor disputes, and perhaps there are some that resent me for "sticking my nose in their business" (I've had to deal with dogs running loose from three different irresponsible households) but I'd bet if their homes were being burglarized, or God forbid a domestic situation was going on, and I was the one that noticed and called 911 these same people would appreciate my vigilance - but only if they were the victims and not the perpetrators.

The father that aimed a rifle at his five children and shot them each several times - the last putting up enough of a fight to wreck the bathroom - should have been reported long before he snapped. I went to the murder site this afternoon to pray for the children. Those mobile homes are barely 20 feet apart. I find it very hard to believe none of the neighbors heard the gunshots, or at the very least, the last terrified daughter screaming and pleading and physically fighting with her own father, begging him not to kill her.

Of course, I wasn't there and I can't say what happened. What I can say, is it's better to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, and don't be afraid to get involved. Better to possibly save the lives of women, children and even pets by calling the authorities than to worry about whether or not your scumbag neighbor causing the trouble will be pissed at you for it... right? There are too many people out there that don't want to get involved, mostly for fear of retaliation. I'd rather be known as the tattletale than to wake up to murdered children in my neighbor's house.

I hope everyone will think about these five unexpected angels this Easter week, and include them in your prayers.

God Bless America, and ALL Americans - and God Bless the children.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

As many of you know, I try to get one letter a month published in the Tacoma News Tribune. I usually wait until the middle of the month so I can be sure I'm writing about the juiciest topic that will stir up the people and hopefully mobilize some of them into action.

Yet here it is, the 29th of the month, and I have not yet submitted a letter. Why? Because every time I pick a scandal to comment on, another pops up right behind it. I simply can't decide what to write about there's so much crap going on right now.

Last week, on national television, Bobo thought he was making a funny when he likened his bowling ability to "watching the Special Olympics". Now, I am by far politically incorrect but this comment really pissed me off. The remark was so outright bigoted and just plain wrong in so many ways yet Bobo was NOT made to apologize and there was NO public outcry. And even if he did apologize, he said it because he was thinking it. Can you imagine if George Bush had said something like, "I can't play basketball because I'm not black"? He would have been burned at the stake.

And what about those weekly White House cocktail parties? You're paying for them, have you received your invitation yet? Why does Bobo continue to get away with not producing his original birth certificate? My mom gave me a copy of my original birth certificate once - it was white lettering on a black background and had all these information boxes - not just the basic mother and father stuff, but the hospital, delivering doctor, weight, length, time, date, etc.

A couple of years ago I was going to Canada and since my birth certificate was packed away, I decided to get a certified copy instead of trying to find the original. I was able to do so online, and the result was a form very similar to the one Bobo submitted: certificate of live birth form with gilded edges, my birthdate, name, gender, city born, mother & father's name and ages at the time, and their respective birthplaces (state only). That's all. No hospital, doctor, weight, length, time, any of that truly certifiable stuff.

Today I turn my computer on and read this headline from MSNBC: GM BOSS TO STEP DOWN AT WHITE HOUSE REQUEST. What??? Bobo insisted on giving them OUR money with no stipulation on how they are to spend it then doesn't approve so he forces a businessman to resign? Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against the bailouts of big business and banks. My problem is, since when does the president get to fire civilians???

My non-partisan neighbor said to me today, "I know, I hate what's going on but there's nothing I can do about it". My answer: HELL YES YOU CAN!!! I am!

I wear my NOBOMA button wherever I go. People walk up to me all the time and say "I like your button!" or "I like your bumper stickers!" I get this every day from people at the grocery store (including some of the checkers and the manager), the feed store, Fred Meyer, even church.

The American people are beginning, rather rapidly, to figure out that Barack Obama is a very dangerous man. He hasn't even made it through the first 100 days and he's managed to screw up every good thing and the progress of racial relations in America. He can't even fill his cabinet! Last I looked, Bobo's ratings dropped to 55 percent vs. the 80 something when he took office.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down!

The other night I was watching the movie, Falling Down, with Michael Douglas and Robert Duvall. I've seen it at least ten times, mostly because I identify with the Douglas character. I wish they had left out the whole wife-terrorist subplot of course. But I digress.

In the movie, Bill is having a really bad day. He's been laid off from his white collar job of several years with the Department of Defense ("under-skilled and overqualified, or the other way around"). He gets stuck in traffic on a blistering hot day - the air conditioner in his car is broken and the window won't roll down. His revenge against the traffic jam: he leaves his hunk of junk right there in the middle of the road and takes off on foot to go home.

From there, Bill experiences every irritating thing average conservative Joe & Jane America does but Bill is finally beyond pissed and takes care of things his way. His first encounter is an immigrant merchant that can barely speak English (when the merchant demands an inflated "eighty-fie-cent" for a 12 oz soda, Bill says "Fie? What is fie? I know there's supposed to be a 'v' in the word, the word is fiVe. If you're gonna come to my country at least have the grace to learn our language!") Bill then gives the merchant a lesson in customer service etiquette ("I'm just standing up for my rights as a consumer!") and economics ("I'm rolling back prices to 1965!").

Bill then deals with - and defeats - the various scuzzballs that infect our planet: gangs (he ends up with their gym bag full of guns), a professional bum in a park, generally stupid people at the Whammy-Burger, a neo-nazi homophobic skinhead (whom Bill dispatches with a butterfly knife supplied in the gang's bag), and a wealthy, cranky old fart on a country club golf course that yells at the wrong guy in the wrong mood at the wrong time (the old fart yells at Bill, who is simply trying to pass through the golf course, "Fore!" and launches his Titelist at Bill's head. Bill ducks the shot, jumps up and whips out a machine gun from his gym bag, and yells "FIVE!". The old fart drops dead from a heart attack).

By the way, Falling Down was released in 1993 - Stage I of the Clinton regime.

This movie is not for everyone. Even if you fast-forward through the boring parts (wife-terrorism and Robert Duvall), it's filled with violence and profanity. And it's difficult to not cheer for Bil, even though he is deliberate in his violence against stupid people (hey we can fantasize, right?) Again, if the producers of the movie had left out the entire Robert Duvall storyline, including the wife-terrorism and stupid ending, this guy Bill could be any one of us, right here, right now, ready to snap due to what I have coined "global incompetence".

Friday, March 20, 2009

Republicans: Let's Get the Party (Re) Started!

Dear Fellow R's:

If I'm going to get this blog going, I need a few followers! Please sign up and let me know you've visited... and please... "all" comments are welcome.

My goal is based on Glenn Beck's recent "We Surround Them" special - to encourage neighborhoods to get together and start a real dialogue about our current state and federal government, and what WE THE PEOPLE are going to do to teach them all a good old-fashion lesson.

My Block Captain, Wayne Heigl, is helping me to Get the Party (Re) Started by not only working at the grassroots level with several other groups in various counties, but we plan to go doorbelling within the next couple of weeks around the neighborhood to conduct our own "poll" of the state and federal performance ratings. Non-scientific, and not PCRP sponsored, just a way to get people thinking and talking about the REAL state of our state and union.

I truly believe our time is now. The Constitution is being violated in so many ways. We need to send a CLEAR message to the various members of government that THEY work for US - from the city, to the county, district, state and federal level.

I will post ideas for questionnaires and neighborhood "coffee" meetings in the near future.

Everybody needs to give this movement an open mind and get involved.

Take good care, and God Bless America, and ALL Americans!


Wendy Lake
PCRP PCO 02-026

Friday, March 13, 2009

My first blog. Wonder if it works.


To my fellow R's:
The time to get out there and defeat the liberals is NOW. If we all did half the things we talk about doing (over and over ad nauseum), we could be kicking some serious democratic ass (pun intended).

The time to strike is NOW. This off-election year is going to make or break the Republican party. The American people are starting to see the light - sort of - and realizing Bobo may not be the messiah after all. After 50 days in office, this puppet has already managed to undo all the good GWB did. Ok, so George whipped up a couple of devestating hurricanes, caused the Minneapolis bridge collapse, plotted 9/11, and coerced an entire congress (and the UN) into voting for war. Talk about the messiah... GWB was the most feared president for the libs ever - right after Ronald Reagan. Why? Because they were strong leaders that weren't afraid to mix it up for the good of not only the American people, but human beings across the planet.

We need to get organized; come together as cliche as that sounds. My block captain and I have some things in the works. Watch this site for more info.

Thanks for checking out my new blog, please check back frequently. Your input is welcome.

Take good care,

Wendy L