Friday, March 13, 2009

My first blog. Wonder if it works.


To my fellow R's:
The time to get out there and defeat the liberals is NOW. If we all did half the things we talk about doing (over and over ad nauseum), we could be kicking some serious democratic ass (pun intended).

The time to strike is NOW. This off-election year is going to make or break the Republican party. The American people are starting to see the light - sort of - and realizing Bobo may not be the messiah after all. After 50 days in office, this puppet has already managed to undo all the good GWB did. Ok, so George whipped up a couple of devestating hurricanes, caused the Minneapolis bridge collapse, plotted 9/11, and coerced an entire congress (and the UN) into voting for war. Talk about the messiah... GWB was the most feared president for the libs ever - right after Ronald Reagan. Why? Because they were strong leaders that weren't afraid to mix it up for the good of not only the American people, but human beings across the planet.

We need to get organized; come together as cliche as that sounds. My block captain and I have some things in the works. Watch this site for more info.

Thanks for checking out my new blog, please check back frequently. Your input is welcome.

Take good care,

Wendy L

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