Monday, April 27, 2009

Silly American, 9/11 Didn't Happen

I've been feeling a bit burned out on politics lately so I told my mom that my next post would have nothing to do with politics. But Bobo really pissed me off this time. He is determined to convince the lemings - oops I mean mainstream America - that the terror and death of September 11, 2001 never happened. The inexplicable act of flying a jumbo jet - one of the Air Force One jets no less - being chased by F16's at a low altitude over Ground Zero without informing the public is reprehensible. The result of this type of activity by the administration is meant to desensitize Americans and open the doors for terrorists.

My latest submission to the TNT (they didn't print my last letter):

It seems like every day Barack Obama or a high-ranking official in his administration is apologizing to the American people for some boneheaded move, the latest being Monday's Air Force One accompanied by two F-16 fighter jets for a "photo op" over lower Manhattan.

Workers in New York and New Jersey were again terrorized by the sight of a low-flying commercial size jet, believing they were about to experience a repeat of 9/11/01. Thousands fled their work places and ran into the streets in a panic.

Apparently the NYPD was informed of the "exercise" a week in advance, but someone forgot to tell Mayor Bloomberg let alone the public.

What was the purpose of this exercise in the first place? Why fly over Manhattan? Who will pay for the downtime for the employers of the panic stricken? Since this was a military mission, why not fly low over the Pentagon and White House where everyone could have been easily informed ahead of time? And what about the cost to the taxpayer for the use of military assets and fuel waste? Why didn't they just photo shop the scene?

Most importantly, how could anyone - especially the president of the USA - think it's okay to fly commercial aircraft in the restricted zone over Ground Zero without informing the people first? Mayor Bloomberg called it "insensitive". I call it "incompetent".

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